Summa sidvisningar

söndag 25 september 2011

De bryr sig om dig och din hund!
INDEED? Och fyllekajorna på gården tycker "plötsligt" hunden "är söt". Men när jag hade "man" var ju hunden det värsta elände som fanns. Hur ska dom HA det egentligen? I landet avundsjuka och sladderintelligens och skadeglädje. Ni BEHÖVER inte tycka synd om mig. Det är inte synd om mig. Jag har de hästar jag behöver hemma. Jag får ingen tandvård och självständigt liv, eller nöjen och valmöjligheter, men jag har pli på hatet, ska ni veta.

Nu ska jag tala om vad som är det värsta eländet, i alla fall: Till "grisen" som hela tiden "behöver veta". "Samvete"? Nädå, inte alls. Småflickor har nobbat honom, för vilken gång i ordningen.

Well, he starved and his matte was ill and it will become worse.
At least someone tries to avoid it. You and your whores, get yourself a new victim, or "interest". You are already forgotten here, at least.
The city will give P a "relieving" syringe, when his time has come. So you can just show your fake interest in something else, like Swedish "röda dagar" If you only knew what that meant, you'd stop playing Swedish expert on a stupid blog. ALL you do is ridiculous, but you're too stupid to know.
Until then, the dog is my problem: You could have helped his matte instead.
But the silly, greedy ass didn't, of course.. Among the rest this country caused me, (and you), (and everyone in my way), he's my least problem. You others can obviously not tolerate I'm coping on my own, shitty slandering whores.But who must cope when others are the free producers of capitalistic shit? AND: I shall tell you. He will never eat "margarin" like you gave him? Huh? You gave him nothing - just idiot behavior. LOTS of childishness, and fake time spending.
And the others think this bore that is here, now, is "good" too. I just laugh inside, and write shit about you mens' ugly stupid requirements for "service" and cheap living, and the surroundings "thinking" about what women "deserve" need, etc, so you ugly stupid whores, can work and have nice days. I can tell you one thing: You all smell! And think you are cleverer than the rest, most of all. And no one is reliable. No one will believe you're clever, at least and "deserve" a thing, by ass wagging. It's expensive here, so he should be "happy" that someone houses him, since his former  g f has found a less boring man. But he prefers taking over the place on his own. Or "the town" be happy, if he did. And I should be "happy" and not complain. Of course they have "homes" for old ugly abandoned women. The "thankfulness" women get. And it will affect you ALL so much, and the world won't save you. Cause young women become bitter manipulated old scare crows in this country. ALL of them.When they're not capable of making "the world" pleasant for men and children anymore. And look, the "sufferings" (so much more than ANY man, if women "fail"). And take advice from the wrong men, for instance. Look at Annika Östberg, or the "Manson women", depicted through the deeds men did, as usual.

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