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söndag 23 mars 2014

Diluted roots

christ, let's try to describe this watered down feeling. The "jävla kärringar"won't understand anyway, so I might as well practise English. All of them with children"under education" ,"failed sons", divorced.and fatherless,getting jobs mostly because their mothers, had work networks that they could take advantage of, to get themselves into Goteborg's work-places, or with daughters, that are still dependent on them,away studying,but returning during holiday's. I don't think they envy me at all, that has a son that copes on his own,and being a woman that instead, has to cope with issues that they have managed to solve or that never appeared in their lives.They have not been good raw models to me these women and I have not been trained to understand what was needed to get established in a good way,neither for me or for Henrik's sake.Henrik was quick to figure that out on is own, but it took some "moves" to manage, moving to his father and getting better schools,and better economy at home, among them.

torsdag 13 mars 2014

What did you learn in school today...?

Writing with third world or "developing"  technology isn't easy, keys missing on the keyboard, Norton alerting on "high memory usage" every time Mozilla starts and pointer gets stuck and immobile for a minute or so before I can proceed with my work. I must be happy I have access to that "cheap, cheap, cheap" comviq, affording me, to stay connected to the internet,at least.And the whole world sucks, one might as well joke about it.Like House in yesterday's replay on TV(channel 7 or 9,maybe).Wearing myself  out with sorting things out with technology issues, like which OS is the most common on today's workplaces on pc:s.New for me that Windows7,is just a little more common than windows xp.Sadly for me that upgraded my used laptop with another used one where xp was installed, when I came home from Uppsala.Windows xp, just won't die.Windows xp just won't die, remains the most used os in april

fredag 7 mars 2014

Vad ska du bli, du som inte behöver Internationella kvinnodagen?

Du blir väl aldrig feminist, va? Nä, det är alldeleles för bekvämt att gubben skruvar ihop  muttrar o det  är bara han som får köra motordrivna gräsklipparn som ser ut som en traktor. Men du är ingenjör,säger du? Fint,bara det funkar med världen, för dig då..
Allså jag är så vårtrött o datorn likaså. Den senare har fått ett spy-hunterprogram o det gö rmig devastated att det vissa behöver  för att  nätverka o  utbilda  sig, ett rent o fint internet o en fungerande dator, ska vara så fullt av en massa ovälkommet som förstör datorn o som det tar DAGAR att  bli fritt från, så att när man ska sätta gång o sammanställa vad man tänkt o hittat inte har ork, tid eller underhållningspengar kvar. Jag älskar ju gå i vacker natur med Paco. Det  finns natur med ordnade skogsvägar så vi  kan fortfarande göra det, även om han måste  åka vagn.Den älskade pojken, har helt enkelt blivit en älskad gubbe.:)